East Midlands Trains rebrand and campaign, to encourage students to purchase their tickets through the provider by improving their journey and purchasing experience.
Opening and menu screen.
Pacman style 'save a seat'. Only active on the platform 10 minutes prior to train arrival, the app will then save your chosen empty seat.
Free WIFI for all customers who bought their ticket online, through the app or can be scanned if bought through an EMT ticket machine.
Instant pay, tap in/tap out feature allowing users to quickly pay on the go.
The app will confirm your tap in/tap out destinations and provide you with a receipt afterwards. Users can add money to their account and check their current balance.
2-4-1 offers on Midlands train travel will also be offered to encourage users to visit new cities in the area with a friend. The app will show them a range of current events they can attend over the Midlands.
An improved digital buying experience
Improved food packaging, enabling easy movement in a hurry.
New packaging for Brunch and Tea.
Illustrating the customer touch points for all aspects of the campaign.