Brief: Establish a place for Oxfam within the young popluations fashion market.
Idea: Tapping into current obessions with vintage clothing, adjust Oxfam' image into being a place to find one off pieces of clothing.
Outcome: 1. Witty print campaign based on the regualr supply of new vintage items.
2. Stunt including the pop up shop and clothing banks.
3. New website feature to continue the campaign over time. As well as this, the yearly events at student institutions around the country. Individuals pay a small monthly fee to swap their unwanted clothes with others.
4. As well as this Oxfam would work closely with student institutions to initiate the 'OX' campaign. At the end of the accademic year the charity would provide a fashion fuelled event based on clothes collected at a pop-up clothing bank. By paying a small fee to attend, students can watch a fashion show originating from the best donated items as well as a chance to purchase those being modeled.